Stacee Leslie » What are we learning?

What are we learning?

McDuffie County Schools QUEST Objectives (K-8)

  • GT1 Creative Thinking Skills
  • GT2 Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills
  • GT3 Critical Thinking Skills
  • GT4 Citizenship and Leadership Development
  • GT5 Research and Reference                                     
A few skills we will work on in my gifted class:
  • Students will work on creative thinking skills.
  • Students will work on problem solving and decision making skills using matrices and analogies.
  • Students will work on Leadership skills.
  • Students will learn how to work collaboratively in a group.
  • Students will learn how to present ideas in group discussions.
  • Students will learn how to research, plan, generate ideas and find multiple resources.
  • Students will learn how to interpret information from graphs, tables, videos, maps and charts.
  • Students will learn how to work collaboratively on STEM challenges and use the Engineering design process to solve problems.
  • Students will learn how to use technology to present and communicate information with others.

QUEST report cards will be sent home in the QUEST folder at the end of each trimester.  Report cards should be signed and returned promptly.

1st Trimester (Aug-Nov)

PLTW modules

1st grade- Amazing Animals Unit

2nd grade-Dig Deep (Archaeology)

3rd grade- The Night Sky (Solar System)


2nd Trimester (Nov-Feb)

PLTW modules

1st grade- Animal Adaptations

2nd grade- Rainforest

3rd grade- Ocean Habitats


3rd Trimester (Feb-May)

PLTW modules

1st grade- Animated Storytelling

2nd grade- Weather-Forces of Nature

3rd grade- Famous Inventors


Daily QUEST Schedule (time of day varies per grade level):

15 minutes Check In/Warm-ups

60 minutes PLTW Modules

30 minutes Higher Order Thinking Activity

1hr Unit Lessons, total time

30 minutes Brain Games

1hr STEM

45 minutes Challenge Math


Monday's-1st grade Quest 

Tuesday's -2nd grade Quest   

Thursday's -3rd grade Quest