Kimberly Hunter » CLEVER/Google Classroom

CLEVER/Google Classroom

Please click on the link above to log into the CLEVER homepage that will allow students to access the apps that are available for them (Google Classroom, iReady, BrainPop, Learning A-Z/Raz-kids), etc.)  Once you log in through Clever, you will not have to log on to the other apps.
Google Classroom is the primary platform we will use to post assignments, lesson videos, announcements, and reminders.  You must be in Google Chrome!!
Students will need their  1) assigned school gmail account and their  2) 6-digit ID number to access his or her account.  See the example below:
2033(first initial of first name)(last name)(last 2 digits of ID number)
mcs(ID number)
Username:  [email protected]
Password:  mcs092271